Dream #1 — An Unusual Day In My School.

Preet Patel
8 min readMay 30, 2022


Sharing one of my menacing, humorous, and random dream story with you.

School Corridor

My dreams always have been otherworldly and most of the time made no sense at all. I believe it’s the same for all of us, isn’t it?

This is the dream I had today morning(30/5/22) and thought of writing it down and sharing it with you. The majority of the stuff was already written just after waking up (That’s how crazy it was). Many parts were random and were making no sense, so I modified them a bit to connect better.

Let’s start.

All characters and events depicted in this story are from my dream and are a result of unfortunate prolonged sleep deprivation. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely incidental.

At my high school

It was a regular day at school. We were sitting on the staircase, and Sashank, whom we habitually call Sashi, to save a few extra joules, was elaborating on the experience he had with his crush, while Hisham and I were completing our pending homework.

Sashi: “And then you know what, she asked for my number!”

Hisham: “Bro, ma’am had asked her to collect everyone’s Whatsapp number for creating the group”.

Sashi: “Yeah right. You don’t understand girls bro, I know better”.

I giggled.

*BOOOOMM!*, disruptive noise came from the nearby passage.

Me: “What was that?!”

Hisham: “Let’s go check”.

We got up and went to the corridor. We saw students dashing, and charging towards the main exit. It seemed like everyone was on their guard, and were running away from some threat. We three started walking against the crowd, to find out what was happening. We were squeezing in through people, trying to figure out the mess, and that’s when something unexpected and deadly happened.

A random kid, nearly half of my height wearing a horrifying mask, and holding a pen charged toward me in an attempt to stab my neck. I luckily dodged it, immediately acted out, and accidentally killed the kid. It all happened quickly.

We were in shock.

I had just murdered a kid, probably several years younger than me, and, yet no one gave a fuck, no one seemed to care. Everyone ran past us as if we were invisible. Everyone was trying to get out of the place, and they acted pure wild for it.

We glared at each other. We were starting to catch the flies in the air. Something bad was happening, and we were shit scared, but we had to go back to our class. What about our friends? What had happened to them? and what was this chaos about? We couldn’t suppress our curiosity.

We decided to continue our path.

We realized on the way that, a gang of teenage goons had hijacked our school, and they were spread out among us. We got to know because we encountered many on the way. Managed to hide from a few, and the rest, we had to kill.

They had not so fancy weapons — Baseball bats, pens, knives, chains, and similar stuff.

The number of students kept decreasing as we walked away from the crowd until we found ourselves standing near an empty corridor, all alone. Not only there were no students but it was free of those thugs as well.

We three decided to sneak into one of the classrooms and rest there for a while. We went to the nearest room and tried to get in. The door was locked.

Hisham: “Wait, what? The classroom doors are never locked, that’s strange”.

Sashi: “Introspect the last 30 minutes you spent Hisham. Do you really think the door being locked is the strange event happening right now?”

Me: “Shut up both of you!”

I knocked at the door.

Me: “Listen, if anyone is in there? Don’t be scared, we are not one of those, whoever they are. We can help”.

Initially, there was no response. We assumed it was empty, and thought of finding another room.

Unknown Female: “w..ww..who is it?”

Came a voice from the locked door.

We were alerted.

Me: “It’s me, Preet”

(Expecting every girl in the school to know me.)

Unknown Female: “Ohh it’s you! Thank god!”.

Door Opens

Three of us: “RADHIKA!”.

We nearly shouted.

She SHHHHHed us and commanded us to quickly get in. We did as she told, and entered.

(Radhika was my friend since 2nd grade)

Upon entering, we felt comfort seeing around 30 innocent students already sitting inside, glaring at us with the same feeling.

How do I know they were innocent? Because they were my classmates.

Our classroom was a typical one. There was a whiteboard located next to the door. Student desks and chairs were lined up parallel next to one another in the middle of the room. A pair of windows, with curtains on, probably to avoid anyone seeing them from outside. A cupboard in one of the corners of the room.

But there was something new (Obviously my brain had to modify the setting). It was a CCTV live footage system. We had access to nearly all the cameras that were installed on our campus (How convenient).

I looked around, and my heart sunk upon noticing that not all of my classmates were present in the room. I hoped, they had escaped. I didn’t want to bother anyone by asking about them. They were already in a state of shock. Everyone was scattered. A few were sitting in groups, gaining strength in unity, and the rest chose to cope alone.

A teacher was lying on a desk at the back of the room.

That was strange.

I went close to gain better sight of her. She seemed, quite abnormal. Her face was awfully pale, but again, I chose not to ask anyone.

We were potentially trapped in one of our school’s classrooms. God knew what time it was, and what kind of people were out there with obviously not-so-decent intentions. We were sitting in, trying to figure out our next move.

We kept the teacher’s desk in front of the door to keep it shut but it wasn’t very effective. We also scrapped out every item, which could be used as a potential weapon, and managed to find three knives, multiple pens, and a bat. Not bad to be honest.

(Now comes the part which demonstrates the randomness of human dreams, or perhaps my desperate nature.)

A group of girls were sitting in a corner of the room and were playing something to pass their time. Out of them, there was this quite built girl, physically, and I loved that. I think they were playing truth and dare because, in the next moment, she got up, and took off her clothes.


I was in complete awe of her muscles, and strength (Only that, I promise). Her shoulders were huge and rounded, her abs were unbelievably tight, biceps bigger than mine. The only part that creeped me out was her lats(back), it was quite squishy.

(One reason why I saw her in my dream, I think is that before sleeping I had watched a video of a muscular girl. (Ok it’s not helping))

Anyways, she put on her clothes back, and we shut our drooling mouths back.

We had kept a careful watch on the CCTV for quite a while and had seen no other survivors. Maybe they were hiding too.

We didn’t have any track of time, but quite a lot of time had passed. Considering the silence in the corridor sustaining for so long, and noticing nothing suspicious on the CCTV, we thought the goons had left.

Just then, we saw several groups of thugs patrolling the passage, checking and clearing each room, cabin, and office, for anyone who might be hiding.

We started panicking. The whole class knew what the situation was, and it was not helping. I knew someone had to maintain the order. Despite having no idea what to do, I attempted to handle the situation.

Me: “Sashank, Hisham, I want you, and a few others to start thinking about how we can block the door. Those goons cannot enter here, at any cost!”.

I then started distributing the available weapons. Not enough weapons were available for everyone. I had to choose carefully.

I entrusted and handed the deadliest and sharpest knife to the muscular girl.

( I mean, she’s strong. She can easily knock out three goons just like that with no effort, right?)

I then went to the teacher and tried to wake her up, but it was pointless. Despite my best efforts, she wasn’t waking up. Just then a person came from behind and stabbed her in the chest, without giving me any milliseconds to react. I was completely startled. I looked beside, only to find out that it was Radhika.

Radhika: “She was too afraid. Not knowing what to do, she overdosed on drugs out of hopelessness, and since then she had been lying unconscious. She would have been a huge burden for us, Preet. In such a disaster, we wouldn’t have been able to handle her. She would have risked all of our lives.

Someone had to do it, for everyone’s safety. I chose myself for it, and I trust you, to keep this secret.”

We heard a blast coming from the door side of the room. The goons had spotted us, and my friends were struggling to resist them.

I was too stunned to speak. I was not able to process any of the things Radhika said to me. I didn’t know if she had done the right thing. All I knew was that my friends needed me. I didn’t reply, and ran up to the main door, not knowing if I made the right decision.

Upon reaching, my eyes first went to the CCTV footage.

Four maniacs each with the same freaky mask holding different weapons were standing outside desperate to kill us.

I immediately assisted them and began pushing the door. I made sure to constantly have a watch on the CCTV to anticipate their next move.

One of them, a huge badass, started pushing the door from their side

and another began to slam the door with his baseball bat.

The planks were weak. We knew it was not long until there would be nothing blocking them off from us.

We equipped our weapons. They weren’t any good. The best was a knife we had. Still, we thought we could do some damage to them.

The door was about to break. We signaled each other to let go of the push and execute a surprise attack.

Sashi: “On the count of three, ready? 3..2..1, RELEASE!”.

We let go of the push, and the sandwiched door swiftly opened up to our side.

Without giving it any second thought, we charged forward to attack but the swinging bat was about to slam right on Sashis’s face. I was beside him.

Time slowed down for me. My head voices became loud.

“Can I block this off?”

“Can I save Sashi from getting hit?”

I started analyzing. I had to do something to save him.

All I had was a knife. I knew it was a stupid idea, but I had no other choice.

I pulled out my knife in the middle of the bat’s motion hoping to provide some friction to its speed and hopefully save Sashi.

I missed.

It slammed right on Sashi’s face.

I woke up.

I wanted to go back to sleep, and continue, but it was 30 mins past my Internship meeting.

hope you had fun!




Preet Patel
Preet Patel

Written by Preet Patel

A 23 year old documenting his thoughts, and experiences in the hopes of creating clarity and sustaining sanity. Instagram- preetpatel_25

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